iQualify enhancement
and update log

Do you want to be the first to hear about updates to iQualify? Then this is the place to be. Here is where we keep an up to date summary of enhancements made to the platform.

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January releases

  • More terms added to Te Reo language pack.
  • New API endpoint - Find key section dates and duration for a course by root content id.
  • Marking analysis available for facilitators and coaches.
  • Headers and data in Pulses Export from class console now correct.
  • Special characters used in talk posts and social notes now display correctly.
  • Special characters can now be used in the learn search menu.
  • Moderation Talk Channel action indicator now clears immediately when a reported post is deleted.
  • iQualify login: Show and hide password button to avoid errors.
  • Learner’s Engagement rating chart now accounts for a learner’s individual starting dates.
  • Email sent to facilitators and coaches when they’re added to a class activation now includes helpful links.
  • Landing screen for self sign up courses now displays correctly for relative dates class activations.
  • Improved messaging when deleting a task in Create.
  • iQualify Website login feature made more accessible to iPhone users.
  • Add Social Features and Private Channel fields added to Create Offering API.
  • “Preferred name” updated to be clearer in profile and iQualify settings.
  • Accessibility improvements - Private notes in a page.
  • “Short description” moved to the self sign up section in course activation.
  • Additional instructions Text in Quiz and Task Modal updated to “Advanced”.
  • Next and previous arrow in available task type list for Authors more accessible.
  • A loading indicator for learners to show task list is loading.


December releases

  • Improvements to the course progress indicator to increase accuracy for learners.
  • Fix so that when an author edits and saves an element, they are returned to that same element after the save.
  • Fix to the maths task editor, modals no longer obstructed from access.
  • Improvements to content reporting email to include student id.
  • Create a new task and copy from existing design and accessibility improvements.

November releases

  • Fix to allow self signup and learner relative dates to be used together.
  • Enhancement to allow the ‘Other’ content report type to be changed to create a custom report type.
  • Enhancement to allow custom reports to be emailed outside of the platform .
  • Added ability to set a receiver for the custom reports.
  • Enhancement to allow facilitators to add comments for authors when confirming content reports.
  • Fix so that special characters display correctly in learner made content reports.
  • New feature allowing account owners to set a custom menu link available to all users from the avatar menu under their avatar on the iQualify dashboard.
  • Fix special characters appearing as unicode in social notes.
  • New feature to use filters to create custom groups.
  • New feature to generate and download group reports.
  • New feature to send emails from within iQualify.
  • New user admin role released - the user admin role can use the group and user management features.
Note: The ability to split pages has been removed.

October releases

  • Improvements to the self signup page, now allows access to iQualify help.
  • Fix to allow special characters to be entered in maths essay tasks.
  • Improvement to text instruction display (full text now displayed) for audio recording tasks.
  • Fix to ensure non assessed tasks don’t affect the course duration in the study plan.

September releases

  • Enhancements to Pulses, including a more simplified visual experience.
  • Pulses are now run from the more intuitive spot of the class console and are automatically set for the class the facilitator runs the pulse from.
  • Improvement to the notifications function, infinite scroll to view all notifications has been introduced.
  • Fix to View for facilitators on the Marking and Learner tabs when there is a task or variation of task available for them to view.
  • Fix to the task type Label, Drag and drop, all display text can now be edited/removed.
  • Fix to assessed task resets, now learners and facilitators can see when and by who the reset was actioned by.
  • Enhancement to Free highlight task types, line width can now be adjusted.
  • Improvement to in page discussions replies.
Note: New pulses cannot be run in legacy courses.

August releases

  • Improvements to allow YouTube Shorts to be embedded in iQualify.
  • Fix to learner due dates in hover so that they display correctly.

July releases

  • Improvements to the self sign up experience for learners.
  • Can now use relative dates and self sign up together.
  • Fix that allows users to create quizzes and individual tasks successfully in the Course Content API.
  • Platform security updates.
  • New quiz features include being able to set a pass percentage and to set the number of questions to assign to a quiz from each randomised task group.
  • A new passed column on task and quiz submissions for learners and facilitators to see if a task was passed or not.
  • Fixes to task open/due dates display in manage.
  • Hidden sections no longer appear in the study plan.

June releases

  • New feature for learners to be able to report course content that needs to be fixed or updated.
  • New reported content tab on the class console for facilitators to view and dismiss or accept content reports.
  • New course hub. This area is for authors to view content reports that facilitators have accepted as reported content.
  • Platform security updates.
  • Fixes for invited guests viewing a learner’s engagement page to show engagement graph.

May releases

  • Previous email, and contact email attributes added to SSO integration set up to allow a user to use a new email address to log into an existing account.
  • Fix to reload correctly when session has expired.
  • Improvements to Te Reo Māori language pack.
  • Fix to show the correct course duration in a class when a manager has overwritten the study dates set by a course author.
  • Fix to the following end points, this no longer affects any of the set dates for an offering.{offeringId}/users and{offeringId}/users

April releases

  • Improvements to the information available to facilitators when printing learner task submissions.
  • Improvements to the left navigation menu for facilitators.
  • Ability for individual users to toggle the platform language from English to Te Reo Māori.
  • Increased content display area in all areas of iQualify.
  • Improvements to the group management area including removing clutter when editing a group, updates to some design elements e.g buttons

March releases

  • Improvement for when a facilitator hides a message - it’ll now be removed from the moderation queue.
  • Improvement for when a learner deletes a reported message - it’ll now be removed from the moderation queue.
  • Allowing messages to be deleted in threads of Talk channels.
  • Discussion controls implemented on social notes.
  • Ability to subscribe to new moderation reports by email.
  • New code snippet tool options available to authors (Codepen, Gist, JS Fiddle).
  • Improvements to what is shown to learners once they have completed a quiz, ability to now show what they got correct/incorrect at the end of their attempt.
  • Improvement to feedback learners receive in tasks, ability to now set targeted feedback per response.
  • Improvements to quizzes including the ability to set points per question, display to learners the score they achieved, display to learners the number of questions in the quiz and some improvements to the layout and design of quizzes and tasks.

February releases

  • Improvements to breadcrumbs (accessibility).
  • Platform security improvements.
  • Fix for course weightings and course dates to carry over when duplicating courses.
  • Improvements to subscribing/unsubscribing to Talk channels.
  • Improvement to add the property rootTaskVariationId for API users.