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Learner-centric systems for the School Trustees Association

Case Study
Written by
Caitlin Foran

About the New Zealand School Trustees Association

If you’ve ever been on a school board in New Zealand, you will probably already know a bit about the New Zealand School Trustees Association (NZSTA). They deliver a range of services to school boards to ensure that every student can attain their highest possible standard in educational achievement. A key part of their role is helping board members to upskill and better understand their roles in supporting decision-making in their school.

NZSTA came to iQualify ready for a change from their existing "Knowledge hub". They wanted to streamline the courses they offered and make it easier for board members to see which courses they had completed to keep track of their progress.The NZSTA team got started right away, planning and playing within iQualify. From the very beginning, they appreciated that iQualify was “easy for users to navigate, and [that] the platform was intuitive” with “simple, easy-to-build courses”.

Easy sign ups

NZSTA saw how we had automated sign-ups for our iQualify skills courses and thought this was a proactive way to ensure that board members registered in their Salesforce CRM could gain easy access to the new suite of online courses. So, we worked with them to adapt the solution for their requirements. They created and embedded an online form into their website (shown below), which captured all the information they needed about the person enrolling - the course, their email and their name.

Screenshot of learning centre enrolment form on NZSTA's website. It has a dropdown for course choice and asks people for email address and first and last name.
Screenshot of learning centre enrolment form on NZSTA's website. Form has a dropdown for choosing a course and asks people for their email, first, and last names.

On submission, the data from this form is then checked against their Salesforce registrations to see if this user exists. If this person is already registered with NZSTA, they’re enrolled in the course in iQualify, get an email with a link to start their course, and they’re set! If this person isn’t registered with NZSTA yet, iQualify lets NZSTA know so they can follow up with the person directly. Salesforce and iQualify are perfectly linked, so they always know who’s who, and users can sign into both NZSTA and iQualify with the same login. Simple for learners, simple for NZSTA.

Bespoke (but automated) badging

NZSTA wanted to acknowledge learners’ skills in successfully completing the courses. But they knew that a badge requires more than just showing up. So, they came up with clear requirements they wanted board members to meet in order to earn the badge - viewing all the content in the course and successfully completing all tasks.But... with that many learners, having a facilitator check each learner’s quizzes and tasks would be a huge cost. Here’s where we can use automation to help us work smarter. NZSTA use an integration with Azure Logic Apps to automatically award learners a badge when they satisfy all of the requirements. That’s a massive saving in administrative time, and no time waiting for a badge for learners - they get awarded the badge straight away.

If you’re interested in doing this for your course, we have tutorials for how to build these badge integrations.

Where to next for NZSTA?

NZSTA has worked closely with us to tease out their specific requirements. And, together we’ve achieved some encouraging and early wins for them in achieving a quality standard and efficiency in learning delivery they weren’t able to achieve with their previous system.

“We do not have a large IT team at NZSTA and needed to bring in external contractors to assist with the integration. The iQualify team worked closely with them to ensure that our integration was a success.The iQualify team check in regularly and provide us with tailored one-on-one support. We appreciate their willingness to adapt the integration to meet our specific needs"- NZSTA

NZSTA have piloted this project with two courses and have four more in the wings with a plan to roll out a whole suite of courses in the near future. But already they’ve had some of this great feedback from learners:

“Very easy to navigate with clear instructions and layout”“It was great that I could do some learning, take a break, then return to where I was up to”“Good dashboard with a logical layout”“Includes a variety of learning tools”“I loved the interactivity”

Interested in how iQualify and online learning can help your business succeed? Check out our workflow automation tutorials then sign up for a free trial and try it out for yourself.

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